Featuring an in-depth exploration of the Dreamtime and of Australia's seasonal wheel of the year, as well as a guide to finding your own Australian animal totem, Animal Dreaming explores the spiritual and symbolic interpretations of over 200 native, domesticated and introduced animals, birds, reptiles, and fish in Australia. Renowned author and acclaimed Animal Psychic Scott Alexander King...
Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews Now, for perhaps the first time ever, myth and fact are combined in a manner that will teach you how to speak and understand the language of the animals in your life.
We are all surrounded by spirits. Many people feel called to work with them, but few know where to begin. Enjoined by the gods and spirits to fulfill this need, Raven Kaldera and Galina Krasskova have reconstructed the indigenous spiritual traditions of northern Europe and Scandinavia extinguished more than one thousand years ago by the spread of Christianity. Arising from basic survival needs,...
Shamanism for Beginners Walking With the World's Healers of Earth and Sky By: James Endredy Healers and visionaries, food-finders and rainmakers-as intermediaries between the physical and spirit worlds, shamans have served a vital role in indigenous cultures for more than 40,000 years. The timeless wisdom of the shaman also holds relevance for the challenges we face today. James Endredy explores...
Learn to bring the natural powers of Smudging to bring blessings into your life, attract love, relax, or give energy, with the Smudging and Blessing Book.